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Mission & Vision

The vision of the Family Advocacy Network (FAN) is to support vulnerable women and children; by arranging necessary support from a network of people and organizations with similar missions and calling in order to help those vulnerable mothers and provide training and accountability to ensure vulnerable children’s care.


Beyond the necessities of food, clothing, and shelter; we recognize the need of disadvantaged vulnerable women and children for family, mentoring, nurturing, acceptance, and love – they are each precious.


Likewise we view every baby from conception as precious, and requiring intensive care, support, and accountability due to their immaturity; but especially needing an environment of love and family.  

  • Our firm belief is that the best situation for a baby is to live with both or at least one of the biological parents or relatives in a permanent safe and supportive family.

  • Since they are socially vulnerable, children need special care and consideration in the protection of their fundamental human rights; they should never be treated as property or commodities to be solicited or traded.  We recognize the need for a network of parents, advocates, trainers, and guardians to love, protect, raise, and provide accountability for those children. 


The aim of FAN spans several related areas: to help vulnerable single pregnant women make the choice of giving birth to their unborn babies and raise their children, and to support and nurture vulnerable babies and children enrolled with FAN.  This includes organizing material, social, legal, or administrative support for these children; providing training and accountability for their care; and verifying these children have adequate support and comprehensive registration as citizens to protect their fundamental human rights.


To this end, we have joined efforts to form a network of support for those vulnerable women and children.

What does FAN do?

Family Advocacy Network (FAN) is committed to living out James 1:27 by supporting vulnerable women and children in a variety of ways, as individual needs dictate, but the main areas of focus are providing financial support, meeting physical needs, providing emotional support, and offering spiritual counsel. While every mother’s story is unique and may present specific challenging circumstances, the mission of FAN is to equip vulnerable women with the tools that they need to be able to keep their children and parent them well. If additional support or assistance is needed to ensure the safety and well-being of both the mother and her child, FAN will pursue other options, as is deemed necessary.

Who does FAN help?

Family Advocacy Network (FAN) seeks to live out James 1:27 by helping vulnerable women and their children. FAN currently partners with several like-minded ministries throughout the Korean peninsula, and it is the long-term goal of FAN to increase its sphere of influence by continuing to network with other organizations and entering into partnerships with them, as God directs.

Where does FAN serve?

FAN is committed to partnering with ministries throughout the Korean peninsula whose missions align with that of FAN, to support vulnerable women. These may include homes for vulnerable women, fundraising organizations that provide financial support to women and children, and other groups that provide assistance in areas such as locating job opportunities and housing for women in need. Great care is taken to preserve the privacy of both each individual organization as well as the mothers and children that are served by the ministry, and FAN approaches each possible partnership prayerfully and with much counsel.

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

James 1:27 (NIV)

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